I have been bitten by the running bug. I get it. When I was younger I remember looking at runners and saying to my sister... "what would ever posess someone to run for no reason?" I didn't get it back then Now, that said sister took up running, and started to enjoy it. I thought, okay is she likes it, maybe there is something to this. Now my main motivation to try out running was to make my heart strong. Second to lose weight.... third... to be a "runner" Now I just want to be a runner... well I am a runner. I don't need much self motivation to get out there and do it. maybe a little inner pep talk to push through when I get a stitch in my side or when my soundtrack shuffles and I can hear my haggard breathing and feel like a fat girl running... but still I am out there doing it. I AM RUNNING. and don't tell the old me this, but I actually really like it! I like pushing myself mentally and physically. I like seeing myself getting stronger, breathing more easily, and finishing something that just a few weeks ago I thought I never could do.
Oh P.S. 177.4 lbs this am :)
3 years ago
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