the best boyfriend ever. Its true. Now certain indicators of the past would not agree with that sentiment, but because I have vowed to move forward and leave the past behind, he really REALLY is amazing... Bah, screw that statement... he is the best hands down, no matter what. I could go on and on about how I haven't done the dishes once since Kane was born (10 weeks) or how he cooks all the time or that he tells me he loves me 100+ times a day.... What really hit me was today, after my shred, he went to lay down in bed, and I am in there talking to him in all my sweaty glory. Only wearing my sports bra and these neon orange pants with my stretch marks hanging out, and i am not even in the slightest sucking in my belly fat...because well... that would just be futile. Anyhoo... so there i am looking "fly" and he has the audacity to tell me I am beautiful, and that I am really slimming out. Now the scale begs to differ...they haven't budged in a few days, and as I am typing this my son is counting my rolls (including my uniboob). So while Tyler is proceeding to tell me he thinks i look good, in the back of my head i am thinking.."ya whatever buddy, look at me and tell me the opposite of what you are thinking" but really, Tyler isn't that type of guy...and frankly, I don't think his thought process had the time to think "I should try and falsly make her feel good by telling her she looks skinny" so in all my sweaty glory, I have the best boyfriend ever. Tyler... you rock!
3 years ago
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