Tuesday, April 19, 2011

time is relative

20 minutes? 20 minutes used to be nothing to me. "oh I'll be there in 20 minutes" or "I'll be back in 20" Today... as i was shredding with Jillian AFTER my c25k I was on the second circuit and thinking... its only 20 minutes, why do I feel like i am going to die. Truth is. in that moment... i wasn't dying. I am dying now. now that my muscles have stopped panicing and are now bitching at me about what i am doing to them. Seriously, I have to psych myself up to go and get a glass of water for Yale when he asks... getting off the couch is Just.That.Hard. ugh....

but, and this is a huge HUGE but here! I did it! i worked out "two a days" as those athletes would say. two workouts in one day....albiet mine are only 20-25 minute work outs, I still did it... and I took the damn stairs again after my run.... thats right folks... I live on the 9th floor... yes NINTH floor... normally after a run I take the stairs just seems right... and i usually start to pass out around the 3 or 4th...and i think i am going to die around the 7th... not today... today I thought i was going to die on the 8th! YEAH BABY.... hello endurance :)